Examples of PyCuda usage
These examples used to be in the examples/
directory of the PyCUDA
distribution, but were moved here for easier group maintenance.
Existing Examples
- 2dfft
- ArithmeticExample
- C++FunctionTemplates
- Convolution
- Demo
- DemoComplex
- DemoElementwise
- DemoMetaCgen
- DemoMetaCodepy
- DemoMetaMatrixmulCheetah
- DemoMetaTemplate
- DemoStruct
- DistanceElementWise3D
- DumpProperties
- FillGpuWithNans
- GameOfLife
- GlInterop
- GpuScalarMult
- HelloGpu
- KernelConcurrency
- LightField_3D_viewer
- Mandelbrot
- MandelbrotInteractive
- Manhattan_Distance_For_2D_Array
- MatrixTranspose
- MatrixmulSimple
- MatrixmulTiled
- MeasureGpuarraySpeedRandom
- MultipleThreads
- PlotRandomData
- Rotate
- SelectToList
- SimpleRGB2Gray
- SimpleSpeedTest
- SobelFilter
- SparseSolve
- ThreadsAndBlocks
- ThrustInterop
- UsingPrintf
- computing